25 ideas to help you save money in a week

25 ideas to help you save money in a week

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Many people find saving money to be a daunting task.

Most people think they have to have a lot of extra funds left over from their budget to start saving money. After paying bills and monthly expenses, most people feel like there isn’t much wiggle room to save large amounts of money. The good news is that you don’t have to save large amounts of money. Saving in small increments can pay huge dividends in the future.

Good saving habits , can help you save for the future. There really is no need for you to have a second income source to start saving money. Remember that every little effort counts. Building your small efforts together will add up to a lot when done on a regular basis. We are presenting 50 small but significant ways of saving money in a week , that can improve your savings for months and years to come.

Saving money on food

  • Make bigger batches of food at home. You can eat half and freeze the rest for later.
  • Skip the fast food, its bad for your health and bad for your wallet. It’s often a much pricier alternative than just bringing a sack lunch from home.
  • Skip the coffee shop and bring your own coffee in a thermos. Fancy lattes at the coffee shop can cost you big over time.
  • Avoid soda and sugary beverages. Those little stops at the gas station are much pricier than buying from the grocery store.
  • Buy in bulk , if you can plan ahead and buy in bulk you can often get great discounts on everyday items.

Saving money on entertainment

  • If binge watching T.V. shows is your thing, you can save money by joining a T.V. service like Hulu, Netflix, or Sling T.V. . There are free options like Pluto, Tubi , and Popcornflix.
  • Librarys are a great resources for free books, magazines, DVD’s , and audio books.
  • If you have books in mind , check online for used copies. You can often find used books for a quarter of the cost of buying new.
  • Checking your local area or cities website you can often find free events ,outdoor concerts, art exhibits and festivals going on in your local area.
  • Making dinner at home is often a cheaper than going out to eat. A four course dinner at home can be just as good if not better than going out and your not left paying for parking, meal , tip , etc.

Saving money on traveling

  • Buy plane tickets seven to ten weeks in advance of when you need to go on trip. You will often get the best discounts on tickets if you plan in advance.
  • Fuel costs typically increase on the weekends. If you get gas try to do it during the week. A great resource is gasbuddy.com. Here you can find up-to-date information where the cheapest gas is.
  • Public transportation is a great way to get around in areas where traffic is congested or big cities.
  • Shop around for car insurance. Look around for multiple quotes to get the best rate possible.
  • Limit miscellaneous errands to the store. Conserving trips in your vehicle will save your money on gas.

Save on your phone bill

  • Find out your monthly data usage for your cell phone bill and see if your cell phone provider has a plan that suits your calling, texting , and data usage that you typically use in a month.
  • There is no need for an expensive cell phone data plan where your never using the amount of data it gives you.
  • Ditch the landline phone if your not using it. Theres no need to spend extra on things your not using.
  • Prepaid cell phones can be a good way to save money especially if you don’t use it much or only use it minimally.
  • Try to avoid long distance calls on your phone. Long distance calls are expensive and usually there are better alternatives like skype.

Other ways of saving money

  • Gym memberships can be costly. If you aren’t going to the gym and you have a gym membership cancel the membership if you aren’t using it.
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs in your home. Replace your flourascent bulbs with CFL or energy efficient bulbs.
  • Running your laundry with cold water can save you money in the long run. Hot-water costs more money and uses more energy.
  • Don’t use shopping as a stress- reliever , but only to buy things you absolutely need or feel are necessary purchases.
  • Only run a dishwasher when it is full. Constantly running a dishwasher wastes energy and in the end its costly.

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